Debugger Examples
Sensor Web
pythagorean | example of scopes |
Evals | different evals |
Debugger Statements | |
Booleans | example with booleans |
Breakpoints | |
exceptions | different caught / uncaught exceptions |
iframe | pausing in an iframe |
500 sources | A page with 500 bogus sources |
large-files | |
long-lines | |
localStorage Keys | |
Optimized Away Variable | |
typescript - perfetto | perfetto tracing |
typescript - greeter | |
clojurescript - hello | |
coffeescript - tutorial | |
Create React App - (jsx, flow) | |
JS in HTML | A webpage with several inline scripts |
asm.js | |
wasm | |
errors.js | A simple html file with one error |
events.js | A page with some event handlers |
scopes | Examples of different scopes + vars |
marko | Marko site |
redux todomvc | Redux TodoMVC |
angular - todos | Angular todos |
Source Maps
increment | a simple source map example |
source mapped js.min files | simple webpack example |
mangled names | a simple source map with mangled identifiers |
dual use | a simple example when same module used in two bundles |
30k files | an example with 30,000 files in the source tree |
multiple tabs | an example where both original and generated sources have the same URLs |
React | Reporter |
Immutable | List + Map |
Babel | Babel Transforms |
Babel Tests | Babel Test Transforms |
Typescript & Webpack | Small sample page of bundled TS |
Angular Sample | The sample app generated by Angular CLI |
Angular Realworld | Angular - angular2.realworld |
Inline Scripts
simple | an example w/ an inline script that can be injected |
react | an example w/ an inline script w/ a source map that can be injected |
react2 | an example w/ an inline script that has a source map |
Local Test Pages
asm | |
debugger-statements | |
exceptions | |
frames | |
iframes | |
minified | |
return-values | special scope variables |
script-switching | |
scripts | |
sources | |
sourcemap-bogus | |
sourcemaps | |
sourcemaps2 |
Web Workers
Hello | A simple worker hat starts up at the beginning |
High primes | The highest prime number |
Inline | Inline worker |
Shared | Shared workers |
Shared tweets | Shared Workers Tweets |
Big data | Big Data (using transferable objects) In Web Worker |
Pi | The Run After Pi |
Thanks to greenido for the cool web worker examples
Getting started
git clone
cd debugger-examples
yarn install
yarn start