Radio buttons allow a selection of one option from a group of mutually exclusive options.


Usage Example of Radio Buttons as used in Firefox Options

Use radio buttons to provide people with a choice from a set of two to five mutually exclusive options. For example to offer a choice of how to save downloads.


Label Groups of Radio Buttons

Start every group of radio buttons with a label that defines what these options are about.

Between 2-5 Choices

Example of the correct use of Radio Buttons in a Group of Four

Checkmark icon indicating a good choice Do

Combine radio buttons in groups of two to five mutually exclusive choices.

Example of a wrong use of Radio Buttons by using only one Radio Button

Cross icon indicating a bad choice Don’t

Never use one radio button on it’s own, consider using a checkbox instead.

Example of a wrong use of Radio Buttons by using only one Radio Button

Cross icon indicating a bad choice Don’t

For more than five choices, consider other options. Those could be a drop down or a reduction of choices.

Always Exactly One Selected Choice

In any groups of radio buttons, one must always be selected. Do not use a group of radio buttons if no selected button is an option.

Example of the correct use of Radio Buttons in a Group of Four

Checkmark icon indicating a good choice Do

Example of a wrong use of Radio Buttons by using only one Radio Button

Cross icon indicating a bad choice Don’t

Once an option is selected, this state cannot be reached by the user again.

Consider the Order of Choices

  • Make the default the first choice if possible.

  • If choices describe a range of impact to browsing behavior, order them from greatest impact to least impact. Do not force default to top if it breaks the sequence.


Radio Buttons consist of a part to indicate their state and a label to describe the choice it represents.

Use the Sketch Libary Component - Radio‑Button.

Indicator & Label

Example of a selected and an unselected radio button.

Use the indicator to show whether the radio button is selected or not.

Use the label to make the choice clear.


Illustration of the Size of a Radio Button.

Corner Radius: 100%

Height: 16px

Width: 16px

Horizontal Padding: 4px

Text and Color

Illustration of a selected Radio Button.

Text: Body 10

Text Color: Grey 90 #0c0c0d


Selected / Unselected

Example of a selected and an unselected radio button.

Image / Interactive example (Currently only renders correctly in Firefox.)


Icon: Radio-Button-Marker

Background Color: Blue 60 #0060df


Background Color: Grey 90 a10 rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1)

Border: 1px Grey 90 a30 rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.3)


Illustration of the extent of the clicktarget of a Checkbox.

A radio button can be selected by clicking on the area of its indicator as well as its label. Usually the clicktarget extends to the same width for each element in a collection of radio buttons. This results in a click target that extends beyond the label, for all elements shorter than the longest.

Clicking a radio button selects it on release of the click. If, during the click, the mouse is moved off of the radio button, it does not become selected.



Illustration of all appearances a selected radio button can show when interacted with.

Background Color:

Default: Blue 60 #0060df

Hover: Blue 70 #003eaa

Pressed: Blue 80 #002275


Illustration of all appearances an unselected radio button can show when interacted with.

Background Color:

Default: Grey 90 a10 rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1)

Hover: Grey 90 a20 rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.2)

Pressed: Grey 90 a30 rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.3)


When Nightly Starts
Interactive example (Currently only renders correctly in Firefox.)

Border: none

Box Shadow: 0 0 0 1px #0a84ff inset, 0 0 0 1px #0a84ff, 0 0 0 4px rgba(10, 132, 255, 0.3)

Copy Rules

  • Use the imperative voice for radio button labels.

  • Do not use terminal punctuation for radio button labels.

  • Maintain parallel construction for lists of related radio button labels.