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Trees are a navigation method which provide access to data of a hierarchical format.
Trees provide the mechanism for users to “drill down” data.
Use a tree when you need to provide access to data where a hierarchy or ordered structure is present, data that can be interpreted with a parent/child relationship. A folder or file system is a prime example.
Code Tree
The Inspector and the console both present examples of a code tree. The DOM is navigable in the Inspector panel and a NodeList can be expanded in the console through the use of code trees.
Designed to fit within the visual parameters of a typical page source view, this type of tree has behavioural and visual differences to a panel tree.
Panel Tree
Panel trees are those present in the DevTools panels like the debugger Sources list, Storage panel and eventually the Event Listeners panel.
Unless you are presenting expandable code to the user, a panel tree is the correct choice.
DOM Panel Tree
Similar to a code tree, the DOM Panel presents a hierarchy of data, representative of the properties of the DOM in the current window. The DOM panel has some stylistic differences to a typical code tree but operates in the same fashion.
Code Tree
Arrow: Grey 40 #b1b1b3
Tree indent border: Blue 55 #0074e8
Background Hover: #F0F9FE
Photon color needed
Selected node
Background: Blue 55 #0074e8
Arrow: semi-opaque image, Photon color needed
Text: white #ffffff
Arrow: Grey 50 #737373
Tree indent border: Blue 40 #45a1ff
Background Hover: #353B48
Photon color needed
Selected node
Background: Blue 70 #003eaa
Arrow: semi-opaque image, Photon color needed
Text: white #ffffff
Panel Tree
Arrow: Grey 25 #e0e0e2
Icon: Grey 50 #737373
Text: Grey 60 #4a4a4f
Selected node
Background : Blue 55 #0074e8
Arrow: white #ffffff
Icon: white #ffffff
Text: white #ffffff
Arrow: Grey 60 #4a4a4f
Icon: Grey 45 #939395
Text: Grey 40 #b1b1b3
Selected node
Background : Blue 70 #003eaa
Arrow: white #ffffff
Icon: white #ffffff
Text: white #ffffff
In cases where the top level parent of a tree is a fixed or specified title (like “Cache Storage” and “Cookies” in the Storage panel) the parent node’s font weight is increased to 700
DOM Panel Tree
Arrow: Grey 40 #b1b1b3
Background Hover: #F0F9FE
Photon color needed
Bottom Border: #EFEFEF
Photon color needed
Selected node
Background: Blue 55 #0074e8
Arrow: white semi-opaque image, Photon color needed
Text: white #ffffff
Arrow: Grey 50 #737373
Background Hover: #F0F9FE
Photon color needed
Bottom Border: none
Selected node
Background: Blue 70 #003eaa
Arrow: white semi-opaque image, Photon color needed
Text: white #ffffff
Code Tree
Arrow width: 10px
Arrow height: 10px
Text: 11px
, regular 400
line-height: 16px
Indent: width(12px
) + margin(5px
) = 17px
Panel Tree
Arrow width: 10px
Arrow height: 10px
Icon width: 16px
Icon height: 16px
Text: 11px
, regular 400
Vertical Padding: 4px
Indent: width(12px
) + margin(5px
) = 17px
DOM Panel Tree
Arrow width: 10px
Arrow height: 10px
Text: 11px
, regular 400
Vertical Padding: 2px
Line height: 13.5px
Indent: 14px
Clicking the arrow icon on a tree node will toggle between the collapsed and expanded states. Expanding the node will reveal the children of that node if any exist. When expanding a node the arrow icon will rotate 90 degrees clockwise from right to downward pointing, the reverse will occur when the node is collapsed.
Keyboard traversal
When a collapsed node is selected, hitting the right arrow key on the keyboard will expand the node. When an expanded node is selected hitting the left arrow key will collapse the node.
A hierarchy of nodes within a code tree can be traversed from parent to child by repeatedly hitting the right arrow key, focus will jump to the child nodes which are collapsed allowing them to be expanded without the need to move down the node list manually.
Drop and drag
The code tree featured in the DOM Inspector supports drop and drag functionality. Nodes can be selected and with the left mouse button held down, dragged and repositioned into different areas of the DOM.
Future Improvements
Remove controls.png usage from the Inspector and align with console SVG implementation.
Imporvements and homogenization of arrow SVG
Improve the “expand arrow” icon